Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market to your customers because it generates a return that’s unmatched in any digital channel.

When it comes to marketing avenues, email campaigns lead the charge with content marketing.

Email has grown and become more profitable, and it also has become more efficient over the years as marketers test, monitor, and make refinement to their content, as well as the timing of when it’s delivered.

Effective, engaging email marketing campaigns are well worth the cost to produce when compared with the extraordinary results they provide.

Consider these statistics:

  • Email marketing ROI remains around 4,300% (DMA via Compu-Mail)
  • Nearly half of the worldwide population will be using email by year-end 2020 (The Radacati Group via Compu-Mail)
  • Almost 50% of consumers prefer to hear weekly from companies sending promotional emails (
  • Seven in 10 adults prefer email as their primary marketing communications channel (Marketing Sherpa via Compu-Mail)

Today, most marketers recognize the importance of capturing customers’ email addresses so they can provide them with content they value on a regular basis, providing opportunities for relationship-building, brand enhancement, and repeat business.

Email campaigns are a large part of our clients’ marketing plans. They deploy email ads on a regularly recurring basis, averaging one new email ad per week. A large edutainment company we work with uses two emails per week and increases the amount to seven per week at the holidays.

Email is also the best way to reach customers and prospects on mobile. According to Optimind, over the last six months, emails opened on smartphones and tablets have increased by 80%.

To get the best results from your email campaign, it is crucial that your email creative is optimized for mobile.

That’s because emails which fail to display correctly are deleted immediately by the vast majority of users—a very compelling reason to ensure that all of your email campaigns are created for optimal performance on a wide variety of devices and browsers.

A successful email campaign is comprised of engaging creative, relevant content, recurring deployment schedule, and mobile optimization. With an ROI of 4,300%, email is in a class by itself as a strategic marketing tool.

For help with your email marketing campaign contact The Lawnsby Group for more information.

Images: © The Lawnsby Group